Fish known to be the world's scientists, the Ancient Fish, a kind of "Latimeria menadoensis" or Coelacanth, an ancient fish that was already considered to be extinct since 65 million years ago.
Now the fish has been displayed and excited participants from various countries that participated in the event the World Ocean Conference (WOC) and Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Summit, 11-15 May 2009.
Yustinus the ancient fish are captured when the lodge own hook. Being visible when a fish with a length of approximately one meter and 30 kg weight range, along with spots putih.Ikan that obtained in the depth of the sea about 105 meters, on the beach Malalayang, at 08.00 Wita, 19 May. "Although quite large, but the fish do not seem to fight again when the tow to the boat," he said, relate the arrest.
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