Olimpiade robotik indonesian open 2009, and robot pictures

Olimpiade robotik In indonesian open 2009. Robot Internasional olympic games (International Robotic Olympiad/IRO) has entered the 10th pretext. This time that had an opportunity to become the host was Malaysia that was spread out in the campus of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur. More than 750 participants who came from 8 countries will take part in as well as in the site being held since December 18-21 2008. They including China, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, the Philippines, Malaysia and did not miss Indonesia. For Indonesia, participation in even international this was that the first time since being held during 1999. In Robot olympic games International this year of Indonesia sent 45 participants who were 7 years old till 17 years. Kloter finally the training of the Programming of the Robot Mindstorms NXT Release with NXT-G in 2008, has ended today, on December 27 2008. The training of the mature class that took place intensive while 2 today, are followed by several participants from Jakarta and Bandung. As classes beforehand, the class this time then took place interesting and the draught with the challenge. Participants were asked to dive into real world challenge, and thought about the strategy as well as the solution that were best for each challenge. With latest technology, made a solution not the matter that njelimet. There were several methods of being easy that could be chosen and used. Apparently in the picture of a participant in the training was trying a solution for the challenge distance reaction.