Born a woman soloist on the stage of the country music industry, Syahrini, the album presents My Lovely supported four hits pop music maker of the country. From start Dewiq, Pia "Utopia", Saras Dewi "crimson Bali", and Yovie Widianto. They bring fresh wind in Syahrini.Awal album of his career as a singer, Syahrini Penah fill siglenya 'gaze Love' in the film soundtrack, Strowberi Brown, director of Octaviand Ardy.

Hit single that will be thrown kepasar among others' Bohong 'and' My Lovely ', the paper Dewiq. The dialbum Syahrini this, to give five-song collection of songs. Four of them presenting a cheerful and upbeat typical spoiled Syahrini. Of special paper with lyrics like that tells Dewiq. More dasyat entitled 'Beyond Border', which is different from the previous nge-beat, this time a more mellow touch to the heart.