Indonesia map an the city world pic

peta kota, pulau, propinsi, kabupaten di Indonesia

The Indonesian Map And Indonesia History and than The Culture.The Indonesian history often was influenced by the other nation. The Indonesian island became the important trade territory at least since since the 7th age, that is when the Sriwijaya Kingdom established religious relations and the trade with Tiongkok and India. Hindu kingdoms and Buddha grew at the beginning of the Masehi age, was followed by the traders who brought the Islam religion, as well as various European strengths that fought mutually to monopolise the trade in Moluccan spices during the period of the era of the ocean exploration. After approximately 350 Dutch colonisation years, Indonesia stated his independence on the end of the World War of II. Selanjutnya Indonesia received the challenge from the natural disaster, corruption, separatism, the process of democratisation and the period of the change in fast economics. From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consisted of various ethnic groups, the language and the different religion. The Javanese ethnic group was the group of the biggest ethnic group and politically most dominant. The national Indonesian slogan, "Bhinneka single one" (Different but continue to one), significant keberagaman that formed the country. Apart from having the big population and the densely populated territory, Indonesia had the supportive nature territory the level of the diversity
The Republic of Indonesia was shortened by RI or Indonesia was the country in South-East Asia, was located in the equator and was between the Asian continent and Australia as well as between the Pacific Ocean and the Hindia Ocean. Because of his location that was between two continents, and two oceans, he was acknowledged also as the Indonesian Archipelago (the Antara Island). Consisted of 17,508 islands, Indonesia was the biggest archipelagic state in the world. With the population of 222 million souls in the year 2006. [3] Indonesia was the country had a biggest population the four in the world and the country that had a Muslim population biggest in the world, despite officially not the Islam country. The form of the Indonesian government was the republic, with the People's Representative Council and the president that were chosen directly. The capital of the country was Jakarta. Indonesia shared a border with Malaysia in the Kalimantan island, with Papua Nugini in the Papua island and with Timorese Leste in the Timorese island. The other neighbouring country was Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the association territory of the Andaman Island and Nikobar in India.