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Break up with Moreno Soeprapto did not make Julie Estelle quiet from the gossip. Rumours of his nearness with Abi Yapto that also the former sweetheart the Sastrowardoyo Lamp, spread when they were arrested the reporter's camera held hands when being present at the marriage reception of the Flower of Citra Lestari some time before. Julie's nearness gossip with the former sweetheart the Sastro Lamp, Julie responded to him coldly that Abi and Julie, there were no relations that were special among them. Whereas if the problem of Julie's hands connection even returned defiant for his authentication. "If must hold hands indeed him why?" I gak the connection of which kind of his proof? I was the same Abi only the friend then. All that gak true, I yesterday gak dodged, I yesterday hurriedly because still had the agenda again that must be attended by me, said Julie when being met in Blizt Grand Indonesia
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