Foto Joana Alexandra seksi not bugil telanjang

mirip Joana Alexandra

Joana Alexandra often called the Joana or Jo, born in Jakarta, 23 April 1987. He is a model and actress sinetron actress. Travel since beginning his career three-class junior high school, will now make clothes in the designer boutique property Adjie Notonegoro. Until there ditawarin a model and to education for three months. After the agency contracted by the property Adjie, Flash. Daughter pair Jafrey Kaerupan Larasati and Nina had been the stars of the ad product and star sinetron ponds SI Bajaj and Singles. Once the film star and NOTES END THROUGH CENTRAL SCHOOL NIGHT. In addition he also had been the stars video clips, songs owned Peterpan, Omelet, Rice, Prince, and Galagasi Pandawa Lima.